Monday, April 21, 2008

Beware Italians bearing Matzoh

Balducci’s, the expensive hippie grocery store “Food Lover’s Market™” where I go for lunch sometimes—like today—and where Bob and I had breakfast at JFK on the way to Hong Kong, had Passover Brownies for sale today. They didn’t have flour as an ingredient (duh?), so I suspect that they are similar to the “Warm Flourless Chocolate Waffle” available at Mike’s “American” Grill (which is very good, although they don’t warn you that the ice cream has caramel on it).

Anyway, on my way out I noticed that they had a whole Passover Holiday Menu (PDF) (“A memorable Seder dinner starts with our menu.”), so I picked one up to see what else they had. You can buy Matzoh Balls, Gefilte Fish, Passover Fruit Cheesecake, and Spinach “Matzsagna”. It all sounds very festive and convenient for Jewish families who aren’t so into cooking.

But then I noticed this in small print at the bottom of the last page of the menu:
NOTE: Many items on this menu are prepared in facilties [sic] that may process peanuts, nuts, shellfish, or other potential allergens. While all of our food is fabulous, it is not kosher.


Very strange. I’m so glad I don’t have to worry about this sort of thing. Chag Pesach Kasher v’Same’ach, everybody.

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